Motorcycle Rides from Sydney                


Links: Ducati display day 2006

     Past ride Days and Photos


The Idea of this page is to have information on upcoming ride days. This will allow us to plan our rides and know where to meet. As planning a ride day and getting everyone together  is difficult, this I hope should allow you to plan which trip you want to join us for and inform me so we can all meet up and have a fun ride together.  I have listed past rides so if you are interested in doing a repeat of a ride let me know and I will post it on the page.

Planned Rides for 2006  2007 

Note: !  If the weather is looking bad on the day call me before you leave as we will cancel if it looks like raining.!

Phone (0412)-113-973

National Park: Feb 26th Done                             

Nattai Sunday 20th August Done

Wiseman's March 19th Done

Lithgow to Bathurst  3rd September  Half Done (Rain at Bell)

Old Road: April 2nd Done

Sunday 17th September Kurrajong Radio Museum Run Done

Springwood April 23rd Done

Sunday 8th April 2007 Easter Sunday Ride Done

Jenolan 30th April 2006 Done,

Sunday 10 June 2007 Putty Road Run Done

Putty Road May 28th   Done

 July 15th 2007 Oberon Run Done

Mount York 12th August  Done

 Sunday 18th August 2007 Natti

More to come!

New Ride Days. !

Ok Guys, We need to plan more rides now that it is cooler. Your ride idea's would be of great help. Send you email to

Sunday 19th August 2007

Nattai Road Bike Run,

Meet in the Car Park of the Greystanes Inn at 9.30 am for a 10.00 departure. The Greystanes Inn is right next to Greystanes shopping centre Address 701 Merrylands Road Greystanes NSW 2145 Australia, shown as the blue square on the map.

then set off toward Warragamba Dam via Elizabeth Drive heading to Silverdale road and making our way to the Natti Lookout for a stop. We will then ride to Picton for a lunch stop. After the feed we will make a return trip via Narellan and home.



24TH August Dirt Bike Day.

To be detailed later.